
πŸ“– A repository to learn about AI & Law research.

Artificial Intelligence & Law

πŸ—‚ Datasets

Dataset Task Language
COLIEE-2020 Legal Information Retrieval English, Japanese
CAIL2019-SCM Legal Information Retrieval Chinese

πŸ“š Books

  • [2017-07] Artificial Intelligence and Legal Analytics: New Tools for Law Practice in the Digital Age, K. Ashley. [link]

πŸ“„ Papers

A. Overview

  • [2020-05] How Does NLP Benefit Legal System: A Summary of Legal Artificial Intelligence, H. Zhong et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2019-09] A Brief History of the Changing Roles of Case Prediction in AI and Law, K. Ashley [pdf][summary]
  • [2018-12] Deep learning in law: early adaptation and legal word embeddings trained on large corpora, I. Chalkidis et al. [pdf][summary]

B. Legal Judgment Prediction

  • [2019-06] Semi-Supervised Methods for Explainable Legal Prediction, K. Branting et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2017-05] Inducing Predictive Models for Decision Support in Administrative Adjudication, K. Branting et al. 😍 [pdf][summary]
  • [2014-07] Predicting the Behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States: A General Approach, D. Katz et al. [pdf][summary]

C. Legal Information Retrieval

  • [2020-05] BERT-PLI: Modeling Paragraph-Level Interactions for Legal Case Retrieval, Y. Shao et al. 😍 [pdf][summary]
  • [2020-04] The Case for a Linked Data Research Engine for Legal Scholars, K. Moodley et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2019-06] Building Legal Case Retrieval Systems with Lexical Matching and Summarization using A Pre-Trained Phrase Scoring Model, V. Tran et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2019-06] Legal Information Retrieval with Generalized Language Models, J. Rossi et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2019-06] Legal Information Retrieval using BM25 and BERT, B. Gain et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2018-07] Legal Document Retrieval using Document Vector Embeddings and Deep Learning, K. Sugathadasa et al. 😍 [pdf][summary]
  • [2017-03] On the concept of relevance in legal information retrieval, M. van Opijnen et al. 😍 [pdf][summary]

D. Legal Text Classification

  • [2020-10] LEGAL-BERT: The Muppets straight out of Law School, I. Chalkidis et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2019-02] CLAUDETTE: an automated detector of potentially unfair clauses in online terms of service, M. Lippi et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2018-08] Polisis: Automated Analysis and Presentation of Privacy Policies Using Deep Learning, H. Harkous et al. [pdf][summary]

E. Legal Network Analysis

  • [2019-12] Similarity and Relevance of Court Decisions: A Computational Study on CJEU Cases, K. Moodley et al. 😍 [pdf][summary]
  • [2008-10] Promise and Pitfalls of Extending Google’s PageRank Algorithm to Citation Networks, S. Maslov et al. [pdf][summary]
  • [2007-08] Bringing PageRank to the citation analysis, N. Ma et al. [pdf][summary]

πŸŽ™ Talks

  • [2019-06] Law as Data: The Promise and Challenges of Natural Language Processing for Legal Research, A. Dyevre. [slides][summary]
  • [2019-04] Artificial Intelligence and Law – An Overview and History, H. Surden. [video][summary]

πŸ—“ Conferences & Workshops

  • The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL) [website]
  • The International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX) [website]
  • The Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP) Workshop [website]
  • The EXplainable AI in Law (XAILA) Workshop [website]
  • The International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN) [website]
  • The Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE) [website]