
Support for namespaces

tesharp opened this issue · 2 comments

Would be nice with support for defining namespace in config file. Prefer using kubectl --namespace and not define namespace in templates and using variables. Something like below example where it would append namespace to kubectl command.

context: k8s.prod.mydomain.com
  globalVar: lizards
  - name: some-api
    namespace: default
      version: 1.0-0e6884d
      importantFeature: true
      apiPort: 4567
uatec commented

By configuration your context in your kube config file, you can apply the entire config to a given name space. e.g.

- context:
    cluster: development
    namespace: frontend
    user: developer
  name: dev-frontend
- context:
    cluster: development
    namespace: storage
    user: developer
  name: dev-storage


This gives you two contexts which are identical, except for the namespace. I am using this for my qa and prod contexts, which are both on the same cluster.

There is now as of version 1.6.0 an alternative way to do this from the CLI.

You can add something like namespace: {{ .namespace }} to your resources metadata and override it using --var namespace=foobar when executing kontemplate.

You can use all the other default ways to provide variables to set default namespaces etc.