
insertFile parameteres or function

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'd like use the insertFile function and within the file which i'm including add other functions or parameters.

For example i have my config file:

log4j-rolling.properties: |
{{ insertFile "config/log4j-rolling.properties" |indent 12 }}

And my log4j-rolling.properties is something like:

log4j.rootLogger={{ passLookup (print  "something"  ) | cat }}, stdout

Is it possible or there's some limitation with the function ?

You can't currently do this in one pass, insertFile will not template files - it only inserts their contents.

I think that the recent PR from Nokia was about a similar case and they opted for doing the templating in two steps instead, you may want to read up on the conversation here: #125

Uhm, yes probably this might be a good workaround.