
Pulling gocryptfs leads to 500 error on arm64 only

vielmetti opened this issue · 1 comments

root@q1:~# sudo docker run -ti nixery.dev/arm64/shell/git/gocryptfs bash
Unable to find image 'nixery.dev/arm64/shell/git/gocryptfs:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error.

I can't tell for sure, but I'm guessing either something went wrong in the arm64 build of gocryptfs, or it was too big or too complicated for the server.

The similar derivation (omitting arm64) works OK on an x86 machine, and simpler derivations work OK on arm64.

The public Nixery instance only serves images that use packages that are in the Nix binary cache, however this package isn't cached for arm64.

There unfortunately isn't a good way to propagate explicit errors back to users via the registry protocol :/