re-export whisper-rs-sys to export raw api
bruceunx opened this issue · 2 comments
bruceunx commented
when I implement realtime stream as following:
first, define the callback for set_progress_callback
static mut COUNT: i32 = 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn callback(
_ctx: *mut whisper_rs_sys::whisper_context,
state: *mut whisper_rs_sys::whisper_state,
_progress: std::os::raw::c_int,
_user_data: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
) {
let num_segments = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_n_segments_from_state(state);
for i in COUNT..num_segments {
let ret = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_text_from_state(state, i);
let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(ret);
let r_str = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
let t0 = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_t0_from_state(state, i);
let t1 = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_t1_from_state(state, i);
println!("[{} -> {}]: {}", t0, t1, r_str);
COUNT = num_segments;
second, add callback to params
unsafe {
while using this callback in third application, we should add whisper-rs and whisper-rs-sys as dependencies, and now these dependencies is a little confusing, better re-export whisper-rs-sys in whisper-rs.
bruceunx commented
full example like this:
use std::ffi::CStr;
use whisper_rs::{FullParams, SamplingStrategy, WhisperContext, WhisperContextParameters};
static mut COUNT: i32 = 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn callback(
_ctx: *mut whisper_rs_sys::whisper_context,
state: *mut whisper_rs_sys::whisper_state,
_progress: std::os::raw::c_int,
_user_data: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
) {
let num_segments = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_n_segments_from_state(state);
for i in COUNT..num_segments {
let ret = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_text_from_state(state, i);
let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(ret);
let r_str = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
let t0 = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_t0_from_state(state, i);
let t1 = whisper_rs_sys::whisper_full_get_segment_t1_from_state(state, i);
println!("[{} -> {}]: {}", t0, t1, r_str);
COUNT = num_segments;
fn main() {
let path_to_model = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
let path_to_wav = std::env::args().nth(2).unwrap();
// load a context and model
println!("{}", &path_to_model);
let ctx: WhisperContext =
WhisperContext::new_with_params(&path_to_model, WhisperContextParameters::default())
.expect("failed to load model");
let mut state = ctx.create_state().expect("failed to create state");
// create a params object
let mut params = FullParams::new(SamplingStrategy::Greedy { best_of: 1 });
unsafe {
// Open the audio file.
let mut reader = hound::WavReader::open(&path_to_wav).expect("failed to open file");
// Convert the audio to floating point samples.
let sample = reader
.map(|s| s.expect("invalid sample"))
let mut audio = vec![0.0f32; sample.len()];
whisper_rs::convert_integer_to_float_audio(&sample, &mut audio)
.expect("failed to convert audio");
.full(params, &audio[..1200000])
.expect("failed to run model");
tazz4843 commented
whisper-rs-sys doesn't follow the same versioning system as whisper-rs, and bumping whisper-rs-sys to a breaking version in a patch release of whisper-rs has happened before. As such, I added this locked behind the raw-api feature flag, and noted in the readme that enabling this no longer guarantees semver compliance. Done in commit 7714a10