
Put Source folder in htdocs of Xampp Not working

varundeva opened this issue ยท 8 comments

It Displays Preload icon only. not loading other.
Whats The Problem?

Hi there!

If you just copied src folder - its not enough for things to work. Please run make command as described in README.md Usage section.

Thank you!

Hi @varundeva!

Do you need any assistance on how to setup and build?
If yes then do not hesitate to contact me.



So on what step from Usage section and what kind of a problem do you have?

With regards,

So that is not about project's code issue.


i just tried to use your web template, but i do get the same loader only error when launching the index.html. I just realized i needed to install bower and gulp to make this work which i did. And now i get this error when running make build >>> see image, so it seems there is an issue with the loader not displaying the website. I'm not good enough in coding to give further help, but if you can fix this when you have time would be great, really wanted to tweak around your template. thank you for you time. have a nice day.
capture d ecran 2019-02-18 a 14 45 07

Hi @hedi777 !

Thanks for you question! That is very good idea to attach the screenshot with error you caught ๐Ÿ‘
It looks like you didn't install node.js dependencies needed by gulp.
Try to execute

$ make setup

Or (in case you don't have make utility installed in your OS) run

$ npm i
$ bower i --production

in the project's directory.

Once installation process finished you would be able to continue with build.
Hope this helps.
