
Unable to create PDFs

mjfrigaard opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello tbfisher,
This package is great! I'm using it on my Windows machine without any issues, but when I try to run pandoc on my Mac:


I get this message:

Could not find pandoc executable on PATH

This was after installing pandoc via Homebrew:


In the package user settings, I changed the User Settings to the location indicated in the terminal above.

  "default": {

    // path to the pandoc binary. Default locations per platform:
    // -  mac
    //    "pandoc-path": "/usr/local/Cellar/pandoc/",

I'm sure that I am just overlooking something simple, but I'd really appreciate some feedback.


It happens to me exactly the same


I think one part of the problem is that the path for pandoc is different, and you should stick to the default, that is the usr/bin/pandoc

This path will always have the alias for your most recent pandoc version, whereas within the "/usr/local/Cellar/pandoc/" you have folders for different versions (1.19.1._1 in your case).

so your pandoc settings should begin with the following:

    "default": {

         "pandoc-path": "/usr/local/bin/pandoc",

alternatively, you can also try putting pandoc into your osx PATH if it's not there.