
ST3 user setting `transformations` not applied

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I added a new transform in the user settings file as follows

  "transformations": {
    "Media Wiki": {
      "new-buffer": 1,
      "scope": {
        "text.html": "html",
        "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
      "pandoc-arguments": ["-t", "mediawiki"]

This setting however is completely ignored and not displayed in the transformation list. When I add this setting in the zipped package that sublime uses the transform appears and works without a problem.

In addition I would like to mention that there should be a lot more transforms available by default. Is there any reason why so little transforms are available?

Firstly about your final question: I don't think there is any particular reason, except that no one has written them :) Feel free to submit a pull-request with any transformations you feel are missing.

About your problem: I think you are missing the user key. I have the following in User/Pandoc.sublime-settings, and that works for adding extra transformations:

    // There are 2 possible top level settings keys, "user" and "default". If you
    // use "default" in your user settings file, the default settings will be
    // overwritten, but if you use "user" your settings will be merged into the
    // default settings.
    "user": {
        // transformations
        "transformations": {
            // label of transformation, to appear in sublime quick panel. This should
            // be a name related to the format of the output.