
V-pocket moves around far above workpiece

Opened this issue · 2 comments

During the cut of an SVG with fancy writing (both thick and thin lines), the generated gcode caused my spindle to make a lot of slow 3d moves in negative Z space (with top lower left of workpiece as 0,0,0).

It was indeed following the projected path of the text, but as it was far (a few mm) above the workpiece, it was quite the wasted effort.

My naive multiple pass algorithm causes this.

@tbfleming it's been a while. Any plans to clean this up? Or, suggestions on how to get the vpocket operation running a bit faster? Not only is it wasting time on the Z modes, it also appears to completely ignore the cut speed; running VERY SLOWLY along the path. A small 2"x24" sign takes almost an entire day to run a 60 or 90 degree run. Thanks, in advance.