
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This project is based on TRT-yolov3, Yahboom Jetbot(Jetson Nano), yolov3-tiny, use aruco code and some pictures to simulate AGV in factory/warehouse scene.


*** Copy Right 2020 Kevin Yu. All rights reserved.

*** Author: Kevin Yu

*** Release Date: 2020/06/02

*** Update Time: 2020/06/15

As of today, YOLOv3 stays one of the most popular object detection model architectures. Since NVIDIA already provided an Object Detection With The ONNX TensorRT Backend In Python (YOLOv3) sample code, it is possibly to implement YOLOv3 with TensorRT to massively accelerate the inference runtime. This repo demonstrates an example to apply TensorRT techniques to real-time Object Detection with YOLOv3, and YOLOv3-tiny models.

I am working on adding the training tool to the repo so that you may implement TensorRT with YOLO models that are trained with custom dataset. It will be released soon.

Notes: All the demos below are done on my Jetson AGX Xavier DevKit. Here is the quick wrap-up from the demo results:

  • Run the detector with YOLOv3-416 model at 15~16 FPS on Jetson AGX Xavier
  • Run the detector with YOLOv3-tiny-416 model at 46~53 FPS on Jetson AGX Xavier

Furthermore, all demos should work on x86_64 PC with NVIDIA GPU(s) as well. Make sure you have all the software dependencies installed correctly on your machine.

Table of Contents


The demos below are tested with the default YOLOv3-416 model, you may change to other models with flag --model. You may find all available models in yolov3_onnx/.

Demo 1: Detector with Image Input

Demo 2: Detector with Video Input


The following packages are required for this project. If you are using a x86 PC, you have to make sure you have CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT installed.

For Jetson User, CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT are pre-installed with JetPack. Assuming you are using JetPack >=4.2, you should be good to go.

  • Python>=3.6
  • Onnx==1.4.1
  • Protobuf==3.8.0
  • Pycuda==2019.1.2
  • OpenCV>=3.4
  • CUDA>=10.0
  • cuDNN>=7.5
  • TensorRT>=6.0.1
  • Numpy==1.16.0

Notes: You do not need to install the above dependencies separately, the installation script below will handle all the heavy-lifting installation work for you.


Simply run the following command, the script will lead you to the installation process.

$ bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yqlbu/TRT-yolov3/master/setup.sh)


  • The script will run for around 10-15 minutes. Please wait with patience.
  • If the script have successfully ran and finished without any errors, you may move on to test the results in the section below.

Docker Support

Now, the Docker version is online, whereas as for now, only the image for Jetson L4T (ARM64) Platform is supported.

To setup nvidia-docker runtime as the default runtime, folow the steps bellow:

$ sudo apt install -y nvidia-docker2
$ sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

Copy & Paste the following content to daemon.json, then Save & Exit

  "default-runtime": "nvidia",
  "runtimes": {
     "nvidia": {
       "path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
       "runtimeArgs": []
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart docker

Run the container

$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ sudo xhost +si:localuser:root
$ sudo docker run --runtime nvidia --network host --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix hikariai/l4t-trt-yolov3:<MODEL> bash


  • Please make sure you have a monitor connected to your device, or you have connected your device via VNC / Nomachine.
  • The < MODEL > tag specifies your jetson model, the available option can be found in HERE.
  • The container will lead you to a docker environment, but it does not make any difference when running the application. Simply follow Usage for guidance.
  • The inference with YOLOv3-416 is not well performed on the Jetson Nano, so I recommend using the YOLOv3-tiny instead, you may specify the YOLOv3-tiny model as input by adding --model yolov3-tiny-416 in CLI.


CLI (Command Line Interface) Reference:

flags usage
--model chose a network to load
--file use a video file as input (remember to also set --filename)
--filename video file name
--usb use USB webcam (remember to also set --vid)
--vid device # of USB webcam (/dev/video?)
--rtsp use IP Camera (remember to also set --uri)
--uri RTSP URI, e.g. rtsp://
--image use an image file as input (remember to also set --filename)
--width image width
--height image height
--runtime display detailed runtime information

Basic Usage

When the detector runs, the program would do the following:

(1) deserialize/load the TensorRT engine

(2) manage CUDA memory buffers using “pycuda”

(3) preprocess input image, run inference and postprocess YOLOv3 detection output.

Below are the cases where you can run the detector with different input stream sources:

Run real-time detector with a webcam

$ python3 detector.py --usb --vid 0 --runtime

Run the detector with an input video file

$ python3 detector.py --file --filename ./data/videos/cars.mp4 --runtime

Notes: The project includes four sample videos for testing (cars.mp4, shinjuku.mp4, ped.mp4, and passby.mp4). They are located in ./data/videos/

Run the detector with an image input

$ python3 detector.py --image --filename ./data/images/human.jpg

Notes: The project includes four sample images for testing (dog_1.jpg, dog_2.jpg, human.jpg). They are located in ./data/images/

Change input size

Simply add --height and --width flags to specify the size of the input frames


To change the model to YOLOv3-tiny, specify the model with the flag --model


$ python3 detector.py --file --filename ./data/videos/cars.mp4 --model yolov3-tiny-416 --runtime


Please check out details HERE


This project is built based on the source code provide by Mr. JkJung, you may find his wonderful TensorRT Tutorial HERE. I also referenced source code of NVIDIA/TensorRT samples to develop the ONNX >> TensorRT conversion.

Source: jkjung-avt tensorrt_demos


MIT License