Cannot verify if it is working
owang opened this issue · 5 comments
I followed the installation instructions, but don't see TabNine completion results in my deoplete list. Is there a way to check the install or debug what is going on? Typing TabNine::version
in a new buffer does nothing, although I am not sure if that is expected to work or not.
If it does nothing, Tabnine doesn't work.
You can check tabnine process in process manager.
You should create the minimal environment.
This is my minimal nvim config:
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
if has('win32') || has('win64')
Plug 'tbodt/deoplete-tabnine', { 'do': 'powershell.exe .\install.ps1' }
Plug 'tbodt/deoplete-tabnine', { 'do': './' }
call plug#end()
call deoplete#custom#var('tabnine', {
\ 'line_limit': 500,
\ 'max_num_results': 20,
\ })
PlugStatus shows both plugins working fine:
Finished. 0 error(s)
- deoplete.nvim: OK
- deoplete-tabnine: OK
Typing TabNine::version
has no output
g:deoplete#enable_at_startup is needed.
Ah right, this was missed in my minimum working example case. But great, it works now, although still not in my real config. But now I can go and turn things on until it stops working. Thanks!