

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think, the uninstall command should be removed.
Why? Because it is buggy, and in most cases it is unusable, and there can't be an uninstall job in neph.yml.

  • if the user don't have privileges, it don't work (but it says that uninstalling was successful):
     ~/neph >>> neph uninstall
    Neph will be uninstalled ...
    Find 'neph' at /usr/bin/neph
    Are you sure you want to uninstall 'neph'? [Y/n]
    Uninstalling neph...
    Successfully uninstalled, thanks for using 'neph' so far!
     ~/neph >>> neph
    Neph is running (0.1.14) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100%
    main [1/1] up to date
    Finished in 100.82ms
     ~/neph >>>            
  • if the binary name is different from neph, it don't find it in PATH, but asks to remove.
  • if neph was installed with distro package manager, it should be uninstalled that way
  • if the user installed it manually, it can be found by running which neph, and remove manually

I will work on it.
What solution should I apply?

  • (preferred) remove it and leave an instruction in the README for uninstalling (this solution keeps the code clean - if something isn't the task of neph, it shouldn't can do it)
  • move it to an option, like #43 (I think this would be a quite stupid thing. Have you seen that a program can remove itself (in the UNIX world)? Because it is the job of the distro package manager, the package manager should do it.)

I also prefer former.