
Unable to compile neph due to missing dependency

OvermindDL1 opened this issue · 5 comments

When running shards build it is unable to build because it is missing libyaml, this is not part of the build instructions on the manual and it should be stated that is required to be installed system wide as it seems unable to download and use it's own dependencies.

The AUR package has the libyaml dependency.
I will look after how to add the dependency to the homebrew file.

I will look after how to add the dependency to the homebrew file.

Actually what I did was clone the repo and just build it. ^.^

Though I'm running on a debian.

Just a line in the docs of the dependency right above the compilation step would have been fine. :-)

Added the line to the README. The master branch is protected, so the Travis test should pass before I can merge it.

Hi @OvermindDL1 ! Thanks for trying neph! 😄

Hi @OvermindDL1 ! Thanks for trying neph! 😄

Heh, that's what I used in my recent long test on the other repo. ^.^