boolean attributes get non-empty string values repeating the attribute name: attr="attr"
CetinSert opened this issue · 4 comments
CetinSert commented
innerHTML(target, `<video controls></video>`)
expected DOM state:
<video controls></video>
<video controls="controls"></video>
- Is there a reason why this is the case?
- Is there a way to get the expected output?
- if no, can this be addressed as a bug to fix?
- or at the very least handled via a config option?
tbranyen commented
This is due to interpolation and how we don't differentiate between the following:
const controls = 'controls';
html`<video ${controls} />`
const controls = 'controls';
html`<video controls=${controls} />``
That said it can and should be fixed. Thanks for opening!
CetinSert commented
@tbranyen – thank you very much for the immediate response! When is the next release scheduled?
tbranyen commented
Just published as 1.0.0-beta.22