Would it be possible to see some metrics?
farzd opened this issue · 3 comments
Would it be possible to see some performance metrics, how its better than normal DOM manipulation?
Sure thing! I will say its not better than normal DOM manip, since that is what gets used in the end anyways.
Hello. I guess developers want to know a real benchmark numbers when they take DiffHTML.
We need to write some benchmarks and show cases where DiffHTML is good and bad.
For example, I wrote simple benchmark here (I compare DiffHTML with browser innerHTML and with morphdom): https://gist.github.com/jmas/c7c11f1431bf97f0333d6da639b0c0cd
Maybe someone can add other DOM patch libraries to this benchmark or write better one.
P.S: I found another one benchmark here http://mathieuancelin.github.io/js-repaint-perfs/