Getting InvalidPathException for test compilation task.
mrt181 opened this issue · 2 comments
mrt181 commented
Posted detailed issue here: #1014
I can execute the following and get some output:
$ java -Xbootclasspath/p:error_prone_ant-2.3.1.jar -source 1.8 -target 1.8 -d C:\cygwin64\home\r892107\sourcecode\COMjurer\build\classes\java\test -encoding UTF-8 -g -sourcepath -processorpath src/test/java/com/rwest/comjurer/xml/
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.rwest.comjurer.Reply;
symbol: class Reply
location: package com.rwest.comjurer
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.rwest.comjurer.TestObjects;
symbol: class TestObjects
location: package com.rwest.comjurer
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
import com.rwest.comjurer.XMLReplies;
symbol: class XMLReplies
location: package com.rwest.comjurer
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: package org.junit.jupiter.api does not exist
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: package org.junit.jupiter.api does not exist
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: static import only from classes and interfaces
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: package org.junit.jupiter.api does not exist
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: static import only from classes and interfaces
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: package does not exist
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseReply_success() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseReply_failure() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseReply_noReply() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseReplies() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseReplies_noReply_shouldBeEmpty() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseUsers() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseCompanies() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseSequentialInstrumentDerivedFromAtomic() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseSequentialInstrumentDerivedFromCombination() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseCombinationInstruments() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseAtomicInstruments() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseSequenceItems() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseTermformats() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseContractProperties() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseTrades() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseTrades_missingSecondSequenceItemID_shouldCreateSingleContractSpec() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseTrades_spread_hasBothContractNames() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseTrades_hasAllTerms() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders_missingSecondSequenceItemID_shouldCreateSingleContractSpec() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders_spread_hasBothContractNames() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders_noClientId_shouldNotHaveResourceNameOrClientId() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders_withClientId_doNotSetResourceNameOrClientId() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
src\test\java\com\rwest\comjurer\xml\ error: cannot find symbol
@Test void parseOrders_hasAllTerms() {
symbol: class Test
location: class XMLParserTest
33 errors
mrt181 commented
I debugged the plugin and the exception is raised in error-prone itself.
try (URLClassLoader cl = new SelfFirstClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]))) {
Class<?> builderClass = cl.loadClass("$Builder");
Object compilerBuilder = builderClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
Object compiler = builderClass.getMethod("build").invoke(compilerBuilder);
// exception thrown in invoke
Object result =
.getMethod("compile", String[].class)
.invoke(compiler, (Object) args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));
exitCode = result.getClass().getField("exitCode").getInt(result);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw UncheckedException.throwAsUncheckedException(e);
} finally {
tbroyer commented
Fwiw, you command-line above is missing the classpath, which would explain the cannot find symbol errors.