
Expose annotated packages as mutable list?

JakeWharton opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now I do


but it seems more common and DSL-y for Gradle in Groovy to do

annotatedPackages += 'com.example'


annotatedPackages += [ 'com.example.foo', 'com.example.bar' ]

The ListProperty allows, among other things, linking the property on the task-level extension to the project-level extension (without using private/deprecated Gradle APIs).

Gradle does some bytecode manipulation (or however it's done) to generate setters, allowing setting those Property properties using = rather than .set() in the Groovy DSL, so you'd want to ask them to possibly add Groovy extensions to ListProperty (or HasMultipleValues) to allow using the << and += operators (same could be done for Kotlin too btw).

Fwiw, I'll probably be migrating the net.ltgt.errorprone plugin to use lazy properties too, this will allow things like:

tasks.withType<JavaCompile>().configureEach {
    options.errorprone.nullaway.severity.set(options.errorprone.isCompilingTestOnlyCode.map {
        if (it) CheckSeverity.INFO else CheckSeverity.ERROR

to assign a severity depending whether this is test code or main code, independently of initialization order of that isCompilingTestOnlyCode property, so e.g. without the need for afterEvaluate in an Android project.