
`how-to-participate-in-meetings` and `champion` still refer to Freenode

arhadthedev opened this issue · 2 comments

There are some Markdown documents that still refer to Freenode, however it was replaced with Matrix:


    We use the #tc39-delegates channel on Freenode during the meetings. This channel is open to delegates. It is not public due to IP restrictions. The public channel #tc39 is useful for outside communication that is not during meetings. You can find instructions for joining here.

  2. (also sends to a now archived mailing list):

    Unfortunately, TC39 doesn't have a comprehensive way for non-committee members to find committee mentors/champions for their proposals, but existing forums include TC39 discourse forum and es-discuss mailing list; another is the IRC channel #tc39 on Freenode (instructions). Many TC39 delegates can be found on Twitter as well.

It looks like these references need to be updated.

mpcsh commented

I've opened #101 to update these references. Thanks for raising this issue!

That was very very fast!