
Info on TCQ tool?

rpavlik opened this issue · 2 comments

As someone who sometimes runs a similar scale of standardization meeting, I ran across the tcq app, which looks super neat, but there's literally like no information on it in its own pages, so I don't know whether it's open source, whether it's OK to use for other projects, if I can host my own instance if needed (which would be likely due to NDAs), etc.

I know this is effectively an "internal tool" so I don't want to add a lot of maintenance burden, but I would appreciate not having to re-write it :) This is the source repo, right?

Would it be open to MR's that would e.g. at least add some of these self identification answers ('who runs this cool thing? where is the source?')?

It's up to @bterlson if it's open to PRs, but you should be able to use TCQ for anything you like. The repo is what's deployed afaik, so you should be able to host your own.

It's explicitly licensed as Apache-2.0, so the terms of that license dictate your freedom to use it elsewhere.

Great, thanks! I did some work on it recently, got some large version/security updates done, ported to MongoDB/FerretDB, added support for authenticating against a gitlab instance, and a few other updates. I've submitted some PR's - it looks like the live site is slightly newer than the repo but mostly matching - and so I'll follow up there. Thanks for your help!