
What about... other stuff?

bkardell opened this issue · 1 comments

@bendtherules attended the call today (which seemed to have been at a bad time for everyone, so we cut short and will try to reschedule) and asked two questions that I really wasn't prepared to answer on my own. Basically:

  • "What about pieces on existing features". So far 2 minute standards has been only about 'developing features reaching a certain stage of maturity' - but would be potentially be interested in also having pieces about things that were stable - potentially even stable for like, kind of a long time? 500 words describing closures, or 500 words describing var hoisting or let/block scopes as examples? I'd like to hear others thoughts because I can see pros and cons. Pros being that it would be great to promote more short content like this, and that it would be easier to curate existing content for it probably, especially when we get backed up or slowed down like now. The only con being that it might be a little noise for the channel for people who are really only interested in keeping up with the new. I'm inclined toward the former and maybe we can just make the tweet indicative enough about which it is?

  • What about long form stuff? I said, obviously we want to encourage it. You should feel good about writing it. You should feel good about contributing to MDN here and contributing help toward better explainers or whatever too. All of these are goals of educators... yes. Share it with us for sure, we might individually promote it - but is there more we can do as a group? Idk.. Curious for thoughts.

Regarding the first question, I'd say it would be nice to have explainers for existing features too. We only need to indicate this in the tweet (as you already mentioned), otherwise it would give us more topics to write about, which is nice.
Regarding long form stuff, I guess contributing to e.g. MDN is the way to go? But then we can't really tweet it from the 2 minutes profile, as it doesn't fall in this category. Besides, MDN is already the place-to-go for many web developers and has a good enough search and index.