
Question: 'await' is a keyword?

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In ES2016 spec, await is reserved as a keyword in Modules.
But this spec seems to not change Keywords/FutureReservedWords productions.

Is await a keyword or not?

AFAIK, it's reserved so that in a future edition (like ES2017), when async function lands, await will be allowed at the top-level of ES modules.

await is a keyword in Modules, so things like let await = 1 are always an error in Modules. For legacy reasons, await must be allowed as an identifier in Scripts, so its keywordness is keyed off a grammar parameter that makes it a keyword in certain contexts (namely, async functions) and identifiers everywhere else. I might suggest that awiat is more of a pseudo-keyword than an actual keyword.

Thank you for the answer!

Sorry, my question is about FutureReservedWord production.
Even if this spec is applied, does await still remain in FutureReservedWord, or it will move into Keyword production since await keyword is used in this feature?

In the spec, await remains in FutureReservedWord.
I'd like to make sure.

Thank you.