
Tooling implementation status

vjpr opened this issue ยท 12 comments

vjpr commented

Thought it would be a good idea to track that status of tools supporting this feature.

See all proposals

Should we open acorn, espree and esprima feature requests?

@alippai My understanding was that a lot of tooling had a policy of not implementing until Stage 4. This differs a bit from the policies of a number of web browsers, which may start implementing at Stage 3 and feel comfortable turning it on by default at Stage 4 (though some are more aggressive, and no one has everything in Stage 3 implemented). I'd recommend to tooling projects to adopt a similar policy. However, projects can do whatever they want; if they have a different policy, probably best to respect that in bug reports and keep a policy change discussion separate from these particular features.

Oh, indeed. You are totally right, stage 4 is required for acorn and espree :)

As I am using many stage-x features in my projects, I coded a syntax for Sublime Text 3 which highlights even stage-0 features.

Sublime's core JavaScript syntax now implements class fields (as of PR 1292).

acorn now has class fields support through acorn-class-fields.

This is all great to hear! Does anyone want to post a summary in the README? PRs welcome.

ephys commented

WebStorm has added support for class fields in the latest EAP

@vjpr I assume this urgently needs a refresh?

@franktopel What updates do you see as needed?

As far as I can see the current stable version 1.45.0 of VS Code already supports this syntax?


I checked the boxes for TypeScript and VSCode. Thanks for the ping. Any other updates needed?