Issues with spec text diff rendering?
codehag opened this issue · 2 comments
Is anyone else having issues with how the spec text is rendering? New sections are not being highlit as green in the rendered version, so I end up having to read this a lot closer.
In general, I don't tend to highlight new sections in green, just changed text in existing sections. Maybe this is a bad convention; @mathiasbynens has been highlighting new sections in his specs; maybe I should switch to that.
I think one of the issues is that this is also out of date with the existing spec.
It is the first time i saw this convention and I found it a bit surprising... but it is also really annoying to annotate everything. At the same time, now that i added all of the additions, it is a bit clearer, though not in all cases. For example, moved text is hard to see. At the moment I am on the side of making everything new highlighted i think...