
Execute module graph synchronously when no top-level await is reached?

littledan opened this issue ยท 8 comments

The approach in the draft spec text as well as #33 seems to be based around making a PromisePerformThen happen each time one module imports another. This is an observable change for unmodified programs: Consider the following module graph:

// b.mjs
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log("2"));

// a.mjs
import "./b.mjs";
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log("4"));

// file.html
<script type=module src="/a.mjs"></script>

Across WebKit, Gecko and Chromium, the console shows "1 3 2 4" as the ordering. However, with this change introducing these additional microtask queue items, the ordering may change to "1 2 3 4".

Stepping back, what this means is: Currently, a module can queue a microtask and be confident that this means, "My microtask will be called after all the modules start up, and before control returns to HTML". These top-level await drafts change that "after all the modules start up" part.

Part of this change is unavoidable: If a top-level await is reached, then we have to wait on it.

But, if no top-level await is reached, should we continue on with things synchronously, as happens today?

It seems pretty important to preserve the ordering of things like shims (or any other synchronous setup like opening a DB connection or initializing a namespace etc) to retain the current ordering in the absence of TLA.

We've always wanted, and planned for, the flexibility to change the ordering in this way in HTML, in order to break up the module graph into more chunks that can be executed without janking the page. We just haven't done it yet. So I am fine if TLA helps us get to that world faster. I.e. I think the semantic change is not a problem.

See Although that document is mostly focused on refuting the ASAP strategy, it notes how we'd be happy to move from the spec's current super-deterministic strategy to a different deterministic-with-yielding strategy.

But, if no top-level await is reached, should we continue on with things synchronously, as happens today?

In general there has been resistance to specifying algorithms in a way that conditionally yields control based on whether something is a promise or not.

@ljharb Could you be more specific about the requirements? I am not sure if anyone is proposing something that would break those invariants.

Let's think through some use cases that relate to @ljharb 's concern.

  • In a shim which does not use top-level await, in a module graph which may or may not use top-level await, and there's an import of the shim near the root of the module graph before other modules are imported, then the evaluation of the shim will start and end before any other modules start executing. This is true whether we go with Variant A or Variant B.
  • In a similarly-situated shim which uses top-level await import() to pull in a module dependency (whether over the network or a built-in module), Variant A will wait for all that to complete before loading others (whether or not we do this extra microtask queue delay), whereas Variant B might have the answer in time if it's a built-in module and we go with this change (actually in your favor! but in a very fragile way that you probably shouldn't depend on), but otherwise would let other modules run before the await completes.
  • In a top-level await to open a database, this will be over the network or in some other way through a higher level task queue (after all microtasks are drained), so one turn through the microtask queue won't really affect anything either. (A vs B effects similar to the previous explanation.)

Overall, it's hard for me to see where this affects practical use cases of modules, whether not they have top-level await. I was more filing the issue to ask if the observable change of existing code is intended, but I really don't see a problem with it.

One reason I filed this issue is because @sokra raised "allow[ing] other microtasks" to intermix being a downside of a proposed semantics for WebAssembly ESM integration in webpack/webpack#8144 (comment) . But, that would be an effect of the Wasm semantics whether top-level await makes this change or not.

Given the first bullet point, maybe there's not a concern here with the ordering changing.

Overall, if we want to make an observable (subtle) change, it is probably easier now than further out in the future. Let's rip the band-aid off now! All else being equal, I agree with @zenparsing about these design principles being important to follow.

The current semantics (#61) do execute a module graph synchronously when no module which contains a top-level await is part of the graph. This preserves current behavior on current code.