
Add XML Docs to Design Rule Classes (1)

matthew-n opened this issue · 4 comments

Add docs to the following:

  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/WrapStatementsWithTryCatchRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/WrapStatementsWithTransactionRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/WaitForRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UseProperCollationInTempTables.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UseParameterNamesWithProcsRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UseColumnListWithInsertsRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UpdateWithoutWhereRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UnusedVariablesRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/UnusedParameterRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/TypesMissingParametersRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/TopWithoutOrderByRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/TableHasUniqueConstraintRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/TableHasPrimaryKeyRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/StartIdentity1000Rule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/RaiseErrorWithoutLogRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/ProcedureContainsGrantRule.cs
  • SqlServer.Rules/Design/PredicateCompareRule.cs

a bunch of these did not have the ShouldIgnore function so best i can tell their <IsIgnorable> is accurate but digress with the CSV

That is entirely possible. Can you list the ones that the CSV says should be ignorable, but don't have the function in a separate issue? I will address them.

Figure will extract the xml docs and then diff with the CSV before deleting it

Skipped the one class TypesMissingParametersRule since it's not a rule