
Refactor docs generator to find .dll from csproj file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • The documentation generator should not need the hardcoded path to the DLL file. The values are available from the csproj file.
  • Extend logging
  • Add table to Table of Contents: Friendly Name | Ignorable | Message
  • Modify docs generator script to take in the new $GITHUB_BUILD_OUTPUT_DLL variable and remove all hard coded references to "SQLServer.Rules.dll" or "SQLServer.Rules". Infer all those values from the path passed in.

Also add more logging please. :)

Wrote a new ps to extract the info from the project file. I have a need for it as well to auto create a release if I can figure it out. Added two new variables to the $env:

DOTNET_ROOT: C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\dotnet
GITHUB_BUILD_OUTPUT_PATH: D:\a\SqlServer.Rules\SqlServer.Rules\SqlServer.Rules\bin\Release\net472
GITHUB_BUILD_OUTPUT_DLL: D:\a\SqlServer.Rules\SqlServer.Rules\SqlServer.Rules\bin\Release\net472\SqlServer.Rules.dll