
aimrocks error

Closed this issue · 5 comments

你好,我在win10上安装tcbench的过程中遇到了一些问题,在进行到python -m pip install tcbench的时候,提示报错aimrocks==0.4.0,尝试了一些方法但是不太理想,可以告诉我要怎么解决吗?
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CMV-1 commented

I'm having the same issue. Can you help me?@tcbenchstack

Thanks for raising the problem.

To be honest, I never considered using windows per-se (I tested only linux and macos).

Checking pipy, aim does not have a build for windows
(see so pip is trying to compile it from source and it stops because it requires aimrocks which also does not have a build for windows (

To quickly bypass the problem, I recommend you to use WSL on windows

Are you also trying to install directly on windows?

I will try the method you mentioned, thank you very much for your answer!

I'm sorry to bother you again. I attempted to successfully build tcbench using WSL, but encountered a multiprocessing error during the second artifacts run while testing the “tcbench campaign augment-at-loading”. The error specifically occurred in the "data augmentation (rotate)" step.The error message is as follows. Could you please advise me on how to resolve it? @tcbenchstack

Here is the code that I entered:
屏幕截图 2023-12-27 194852

glad to hear you managed to use WSL

I'll close this issue because the problem you mentioned in unrelated to the current issue
Please open a new issue