
[BUG] example

Closed this issue · 1 comments

tcd commented

Example Bug Issue

Describe the bug

A line in C# with as followed by ?? breaks highlighting for the rest of the file.

To Reproduce

public partial class SqlServerAdapter : ISqlAdapter
    public int Insert(IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction, int? commandTimeout, string tableName, string columnList, string parameterList, IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> keyProperties, object entityToInsert)
        var cmd = $"insert into {tableName} ({columnList}) values ({parameterList});select SCOPE_IDENTITY() id";
        var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(cmd, entityToInsert, transaction, commandTimeout);

        var first = multi.Read().FirstOrDefault();
        if (first == null || == null) return 0;

        var id = (int);
        // The following line breaks highlighting
        var propertyInfos = keyProperties as PropertyInfo[] ?? keyProperties.ToArray();
        if (propertyInfos.Length == 0) return id;

        var idProperty = propertyInfos[0];
        idProperty.SetValue(entityToInsert, Convert.ChangeType(id, idProperty.PropertyType), null);

        return id;


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Relevant Information


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tcd commented

This is actually an issue with C# support in Visual Studio Code, so not really much can be done about it.
However, it was the example I had on hand.

As of 2022-02-07, this actually breaks GitHub's markdown highlighting too:

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