
Non-FFI file with imports generates code that triggers Coq warnings

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Goose on this example produces code like this

From Perennial.goose_lang Require Import prelude.
Section code.
Context `{ext_ty: ext_types}.
Local Coercion Var' s: expr := Var s.

From Goose Require github_com.goose_lang.std.

This generates a Coq warning about Require inside Section.

This seems a bit annoying to fix since I think the Require std is part of the Decls []Decl in a File that also contain all the actual definitions. But we want to split this into stuff that is put outside the section and stuff that is put inside the section. @tchajed @upamanyu any good ideas for how to do that?

I think a File really shouldn't put requires into Decls, they should instead be in a separate field dedicated to imports. A hack would be to extract them by looking for ImportDecls but that just seems messy.

filterImports actually already walks over all decls and dispatches on the coq.ImportDecl type...

Ah so that's the actual reason why the imports even end up together rather than scattered randomly through the file (right before they're needed). Well I guess with this cleanup we could get rid of that, but actually the bug could be fixed within interface.go itself probably.