
Streaming API Changed

lukiffer opened this issue · 2 comments

It looks like all requests to the streaming API (including the initial notify call) are returning a permissions error:

{'data': {'error': '2016', 'message': "We are sorry, but you don't have permission to perform this action.", 'reason': 'No Such Permissions'}, 'success': False}

I'll continue looking into the underlying cause and post any updates here.

So after some (very) cursory investigation, it appears that nothing has changed about their API signatures, only that their server-side model validation has gotten pickier about stray properties.

In we're simply appending params, but anything that's already on self.__params is preserved. And on we're always including username and password fields on the request body.

If we omit these from the body, the request works as expected. I've made this change locally in my homeassistant instance and everything appears to be back to normal. I'll push up to a branch so we can get wider testing.

Fixed by #101