
nothing returning?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I made a quick script to see what is going on, because I use this module in home-assistant.

from pyarlo import PyArlo
arlo  = PyArlo('juasdfe.asdf', '')

print("devices ", arlo.devices)
print("cameras ", arlo.cameras)

# showing camera preferences
cam = arlo.cameras[0]

# check if camera is connected to base station
print("connected ", cam.is_camera_connected)

# printing camera attributes
print("serial ", cam.serial_number)
print("model_id ", cam.model_id)
print("unseen videos ", cam.unseen_videos)

# get brightness value of camera
print("brightness ", cam.brightness)

# get signal strength of camera with base station
print("signal ", cam.signal_strength)

# get flip property from camera
print("flip ", cam.flip_state)

# get mirror property from camera
print("mirror ", cam.mirror_state)

# get power save mode value from camera
print("powersave ", cam.powersave_mode)

# get current battery level of camera
print("battery level ", cam.battery_level)

Some of the things it is return, is broken or empty:

devices  {'cameras': [<ArloCamera: asdf>], 'base_station': []}
cameras  [<ArloCamera: asdf>]
connected  None
serial  asdf
model_id  asdf
unseen videos  0
brightness  None
signal  None
flip  None
mirror  None
powersave  None
battery level  None

@jurgenweber I justed tested your snippet using my latest version mentioned on the PR #75 and this is what I got:

devices  {'cameras': [<ArloCamera: Front Door Lateral>, <ArloCamera: Patio Gate>, <ArloCamera: Front Door Hall>, <ArloCamera: Garage>], 'base_station': [<ArloBaseStation: HomeBase>]}

cameras  [<ArloCamera: Front Door Lateral>, <ArloCamera: Patio Gate>, <ArloCamera: Front Door Hall>, <ArloCamera: Garage>]

connected  True
serial  48B14XXXXXXX
model_id  VMC3030
unseen videos  771
brightness  0
signal  4
flip  False
mirror  False
powersave  1
battery level  74

Which model do you have as it did not identified your base station?

I have a baby Arlo...

{'modelId': 'ABC1000'

the 'asdf' is me obfuscating it...

@jurgenweber if you do this:

base = arlo.base_stations[0] 

Then repeat the print steps, does it work?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 6, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range


I have the same problem with an Arlo Go. The basestation list is empty. And I also tried with the other API jeffreydwalter/arlo and that also have the same problem with an empty basestation list.