
Minimum clip distance

mjhorvath opened this issue · 3 comments

When I zoom really close to an object, the object and everything near it gets clipped by the clipping plane. Is there a way to set the distance of this plane to some smaller amount (or disable it)? Thanks.

In examine mode, it's already by default set such that this should be impossible. In fly/walk modes, you're moving through the geometry, so it's going to result in clipping. If you can give me a specific example where clipping happens in examine mode without setting ZoomMax, then I will investigate. If not, then it is working as designed.

Could you maybe add an user configurable option to change it from a plane to a sphere surrounding the camera? This would make the clipping less noticeable in walk/fly mode.

A third option would make it a sphere surrounding the object. This could be useful to modelers in some instances, maybe. (I am speculating.)

That's not how graphics rendering works, so no.