
Info on about using it with meta key

alexjp opened this issue · 7 comments


I am using metakey only to invoke Parachute.
this can be done with:

kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/kwin,org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component,invokeShortcut,Parachute"
qdbus-qt5 org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure (qdbus-qt5 may be opensuse only, may be qdbus in other distros)

Maybe this can be included on the ?

Thanks !

Yes, I'll do it. Thanks.

How would I unbind parachute from the meta key when I want to revert the commands above?

I think you can just invoke the same commands but instead of "org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/kwin,org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component,invokeShortcut,Parachute" write ""... Not sure though

That method did not work.

But manually editing that ~/.config/kwinrc file and deleting the line for binding the key under ModifierOnlyShortcuts did actually work!
Thanks for the suggestion :D

ttytm commented

For me this one works for some minutes after booting into the system then it stops to work. Does anyone has an idea to solve this issue? Kind regards

edit: i'm on manjaro plasma 5.21 desktop btw

ttytm commented

Okay fixed / worked around this issue.
Using ksuperkey and assiged that pressing meta key provkes the standard parachute keyboarshortcut.

ksuperkey -e 'Super_L=Control_L|Super_L|D'

It is not working for me. I tried Meta+D, no response, I tried to remap it to only meta, not showing, I tried ksuperkey, not working either. Even when sending a qdbus signal directly, not showing. How to start finding the issue now? Any log to investigate?
BTW, Parachute is showing in the kwin scripts..