
Need of a field or vocabulary to document endemic status

camiplata opened this issue · 5 comments

Information about endemic species is key for decision making, many governments use this information to declare conservation programs and areas. Also, the publishers from the community of taxonomists desire to add this information to their taxonomic checklist s

Currently, DwC is lacking a clear field(s) to document this information, there was an attempt to include it as a vocabulary for occurrenceStatus but it was inconclusive.

With this issue, I kindly ask the DwC maintenance group to address this need.

I believe the adequate term to include the "endemic" label could be establishmentMeans as a more detailed specification of native.

@SIB-Colombia @EstebanMH-SiB @RicardoOrtizG

+1. I was just about to create an issue on the same topic. GBIF helpdesk is asked on a regular basis how publishers can map endemism.

I believe the adequate term to include the "endemic" label could be establishmentMeans as a more detailed specification of native.

It seems GBIF users expect the label to be found as part of a controlled vocabulary in the establishmentMeans term, so it could be a good idea to include it here.

It sounds like there is a clear need for this. I recommend to follow the protocol for a new term request. Be sure to gather the information to meet the justification criteria (i.e., that there are independent groups who have a need to share of consume these data. Also make clear in the new term template that the suggestion is for a new vocabulary term for establishmentMeans.

Thank you! @camiplata let me know if I can help with this in any way.

Thanks @tucotuco I just created the following issue: tdwg/dwc#434, please let me know if the information is suficient. @CecSve does the new issue also fullfills your needs?

Thank you for submitted that change request. Closing the issue here.