Change term - absentTaxa
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ymgan commented
Term change
- Submitter: Yi-Ming Gan, Humboldt Extension Task Group
- Efficacy Justification (why is this change necessary?): Clarity. After discussing this within the Humboldt Extension task group, we propose to clarify the usage of this term in relation to eco:targetTaxonomicScope of the dwc:Event in the comment.
- Demand Justification (if the change is semantic in nature, name at least two organizations that independently need this term): not applicable
- Stability Justification (what concerns are there that this might affect existing implementations?): not applicable
- Implications for dwciri: namespace (does this change affect a dwciri term version)?: none
Current Term definition:
Proposed attributes of the new term version (Please put actual changes to be implemented in bold and strikethrough):
- Term name (in lowerCamelCase for properties, UpperCamelCase for classes): absentTaxa
- Term label (English, not normative): Absent Taxa
- Organized in Class (e.g., Occurrence, Event, Location, Taxon): Event
- Definition of the term (normative): A list (concatenated and separated) of taxa reported absent during the dwc:Event.
- Usage comments (recommendations regarding content, etc., not normative): Absences can be reported at any taxonomic level. This term refers to the list of taxa within the eco:targetTaxonomicScope that were not detected in the dwc:Event. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ). This term has an equivalent in the dwciri: namespace that allows only an IRI as a value, whereas this term allows for any string literal value.
- Examples (not normative): Parabuteo unicinctus | Geranoaetus melanoleucus; Cetoniinae | Aclopinae | Cyclocephala modesta
- Refines (identifier of the broader term this term refines; normative): none
- Replaces (identifier of the existing term that would be deprecated and replaced by this term; normative):
- ABCD 2.06 (XPATH of the equivalent term in ABCD or EFG; not normative): not in ABCD