New Term - hasNonTargetOrganisms
tucotuco opened this issue · 1 comments
New term
Submitter: Humboldt Extension Task Group
Efficacy Justification (why is this term necessary?): Part of a package of terms in support of biological inventory data.
Demand Justification (name at least two organizations that independently need this term): The Humboldt Extension Task Group proposing this term consists of numerous organizations.
Stability Justification (what concerns are there that this might affect existing implementations?): None
Implications for dwciri: namespace (does this change affect a dwciri term version)?: Needs ecoiri: equivalent.
Proposed attributes of the new term: -
Term name (in lowerCamelCase for properties, UpperCamelCase for classes): hasNonTargetOrganisms
Term label (English, not normative): Has Non-target Organisms
Organized in Class (e.g., Occurrence, Event, Location, Taxon): Event
Definition of the term (normative): One or more dwc:Organisms outside the target organismal scopes (eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:targetGrowthFormScope, and eco:targetLifeStageScope) were detected and reported for this dwc:Event.
Usage comments (recommendations regarding content, etc., not normative): This term is meant to alert users to the presence of non-target organisms (in some disciplines called “bycatch”) reported in this dwc:Event. This term is relevant only if a target organismal scope is declared. Organismal scope is based on the combination of all of the following terms: eco:targetLifeStageScope, eco:excludedLifeStageScope, eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:excludedDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:targetGrowthFormScope, and eco:excludedGrowthFormScope. Examination of the organismal scope is needed in order to identify the non-target dwc:Organisms. It should be possible to confirm the expectations by investigating the dwc:Occurrences in this dwc:Event and in its child dwc:Events (if available). The value of this term should be 'true' if dwc:Occurrences of dwc:Organisms outside the organismal scope(s) as defined at the time of the dwc:Event are reported, otherwise the value of this term should be 'false'.
Examples (not normative):
Refines (identifier of the broader term this term refines; normative): None
Replaces (identifier of the existing term that would be deprecated and replaced by this term; normative): None
ABCD 2.06 (XPATH of the equivalent term in ABCD or EFG; not normative): not in ABCD
In the Technical Architecture Group meeting on 2023-09-11 it was recommended that the comments for boolean terms include a statement such as, "Recommended best practice is to comply with the recommendations provided in the Boolean Controlled Vocabulary document ("