
Technical Architecture Group

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TDWG Technical Architecture Group (TAG)

The Technical Architecture Group is a Functional Subcommittee (FS) of the TDWG Executive - responsible for ensuring that TDWG standards work effectively with each other, as well as with standards used more widely in natural and information sciences. This is done primarily by giving technical advice to the Executive Committee, as well as Interest and Task Groups, as requested and through the review of Interest and Task Group charters, reports, and draft standards.

The charter of the group can be viewed at https://www.tdwg.org/about/committees/tag/. Meeting notes can be viewed in the meetings directory of this repository.

TAG members - 2023

Following each name is affiliation and TDWG group represented or interest.

Ben Norton (Chair) - Independent - Mineralogy Extension TG Co-convener, Latimer Core Review Manager, Plinian Core Reviewer, MIDS Contributer, Darwin Core Maintenance Group, Camtrap DP. michaelnorton.ben@gmail.com

Steve Baskauf (chair emeritus)- Vanderbilt University Heard Libraries. Audubon Core and Darwin Core Maintenance Groups. steve.baskauf@vanderbilt.edu

Ian Engelbrecht - Natural Science Collections Facility, South Africa. Collections, digitization, and identifiers. ian@nscf.org.za

David Fichtmueller - Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum (BGBM) Berlin. ABCD Schema. D.Fichtmueller@bgbm.org

Kristen (Kit) Lewers - University of Colorado. Information science. kristen.lewers@colorado.edu

James Macklin - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Past chair. james.macklin@agr.gc.ca

Raïssa Meyer - Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. GBWG - Sustainable Darwin Core MIxS Interoperability Task Group. raissa.meyer@awi.de

Rod Page - University of Glasgow. Wikidata and Linked Data applications. rdmpage@gmail.com

Camila Andrea Plata Corredor - Catalogue of Life. Plinian Core Task Group. camila.plata@sp2000.org

Tim Robertson - Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). TDWG Infrastructure Sub Committee Chair and member of the Darwin Core Maintenance Group. trobertson@gbif.org

Robert Sanderson - Yale Peabody Museum. International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), W3C JSON-LD and Open Annotation. robert.sanderson@yale.edu

David Shorthouse - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. People in Biodiversity Data Task Group. davidpshorthouse@gmail.com

Sarah Vincent - Natural History Museum, London. Latimer Core (Collection Descriptions) Task Group. s.vincent@nhm.ac.uk

John Wieczorek - VertNet. Rauthiflor LLC. Darwin Core Maintenance Group. gtuco.btuco@gmail.com

Revised 2024-02-22