
property: spellingCorrectionOf

nielsklazenga opened this issue · 3 comments


Label Spelling correction of
Definition The current name is a spelling correction of the name that is pointed to.
Usage notes
Required No
Repeatable No


TCS 1 DataSet/TaxonNames/TaxonName/SpellingCorrectionOf
TDWG Ontology

I totally overlooked this element in TCS 1, there is not even an issue for it, but I now like to propose the term spellingCorrectionOf for immediate inclusion in TCS 2.

The thing that made me look for this is the name 'Dicranoloma dicarpon' ( Dicranoloma dicarpon is an often reported moss in Australia and New Zealand. For the last 120 years, it has been consistently called 'Dicranoloma dicarpum'. I myself have used that spelling in a few publications. Only this weekend, I noticed that the spelling of the epithet in Tropicos had been changed to 'dicarpon'. Annoyingly, whoever did that was right to do so. I have now also changed it in AusMoss, and I can change it in our Collection Management System, but for the forseeable future, most occurrence records will come in under the name 'Dicranoloma dicarpum'. Also, the moss names in Catalogue of Life are from a world checklist from 1999. So, we need a way to tell that 'Dicranoloma dicarpum' and 'Dicranoloma dicarpon' are the same name. This property will do that.