
How am I supposed to use this library?

rodamaral opened this issue · 1 comments

My folder structure looks like this:

├── dist
│   └── ...
├── lua_modules
│   ├── lib
│   └── share
├── src
│   ├── init.tl
│   ├── inspect.d.tl
├── tlconfig.lua

lua_modules has been populated by luarocks install <package> --tree lua_modules with, eg, inspect.
In this case, should I just copy the contents of inspect.d.tl from this repo into src/inspect.d.tl?

That's a great question, and one that really needs a good answer eventually, but at this time we really haven't done much tooling for teal-types in terms of making the workflow more automated.

So for now the approach you suggested should be sufficient. But personally what I'd love to see would be some sort of LuaRocks integration.