
Bagel is an asshole

Closed this issue · 10 comments

How dare you ban me from the MCA Discord? I'll show you motherfucker, for banning me with no reason!

How dare you ban me from the MCA Discord? I'll show you motherfucker, for banning me with no reason!

no reason

we had very many reasons, you attacked people, you were rude, and you had no respect for anyone.
this is proven by this post right here.
all the moderators agreed on your ban and several members of the community were insanely uncomfortable around you

i'm glad i wasn't drinking anything when i saw this, otherwise i would've spat it out

top 10 awesome github moments

wholesome 100 keanu chungus github momentum

the color code for ilija's rage at team abnormals is #D73A49

i think it's more #BF3441


Ilija04 likes the color #4A412A (Pantone 448 C)
-Quote by ilija04, just replaced my name with his

ilija is about to send one hell of a hex code.