
shouldn't log-cleanup task run in sequence?

woorulez opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, thanks for this great project!

I've just installed log-cleanup and set airflow_log_cleanup__enable_delete_child_log to True.

After a DAG run I can see two log_cleanup_worker's have run successfully.

But the task log tells me that one of the task was skipped. On this particular case the logs/scheduler/.

[2020-08-04 12:57:47,017] {} INFO - Another task is already deleting logs on this worker node.     Skipping it!
[2020-08-04 12:57:47,017] {} INFO - If you believe you're receiving this message in error, kindly check     if /tmp/airflow_log_cleanup_worker.lock exists and delete it.
[2020-08-04 12:57:47,017] {} INFO - Command exited with return code 0

I'm new to Airflow, but I think log_cleanup_worker was intended to run in sequence.
Am I seeing this wrong?

I guess I was wrong.

Since my airflow is configured to place scheduler.child_process_log_directory under core.base_log_folder,
It's actually wrong to set airflow_log_cleanup__enable_delete_child_log=True.
I should have stayed with the default setting.

Thanks again for open sourcing a great project!

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