

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I couldn't get this to work until i added

public ?string $team_size_range; public ?string $toxic; public ?string $use_new_style; public array $optional_display_data;
to vendor\team-reflex\challonge-php\src\Challonge\DTO\Tournament.php

Is it just me or does challonge not lock api versions?
I feel like this will break often in the future..

version 3.0.3

Fixed with 3.0.4

I set the DTOs to ignore missing fields, so this shouldn't keep happening, with the caveat that new fields won't automatically be added to them. I have no idea how to test for some of these new fields either, so I'm just typing them based on what it sounds like they should be, eg: use_new_style sounds like a bool, but comes through as NULL for me, so ?bool it is.