
Possibility to separate high/low nibble in binary notation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

mirao commented

Just an idea:

This code

    lda CH
    ; Accept even upper case
    and #%10111111

would be more readable when separating nibbles by _:

    lda CH
    ; Accept even upper case
    and #%1011_1111

E.g. JavaScript allows similar thing: https://v8.dev/features/numeric-separators

It is now done :)
Try please:
and #%1011 1111

mirao commented

Well, it really works, thank you very much.

mirao commented

It doesn't work in the macro instruction mva, e.g. mva #%1100 0000 GPRIOR
Compiler fails on ERROR: Extra characters on line. It probably takes 0000 as a second argument.