
PhantomJS error after upgrading to macOS Catalina - see solution here

kensoh opened this issue · 2 comments

After upgrading to macOS Catalina release, users may encounter a popup window saying that phantomjs is an unrecognised application downloaded from the internet. This is because Catalina release implements stricter security and access controls for applications running on macOS.

PS - PhantomJS is the execution engine for TagUI and is a critical component for TagUI to work.

I don't have a screenshot of the popup window anymore because I have fixed this on my laptop, it looks something similar to below image (for Terraform, another popular app that's also affected)

  1. From macOS Finder, click Go menu, click Go to Folder..

  2. Enter /Users/username/.tagui/src/phantomjs/bin (replace username with your user name)

  3. Right-click phantomjs icon and click Open

  4. If a macOS prompt appears to ask whether to open the application because it is untrusted and downloaded from the internet, click Open to add the app to list of trusted apps.

  5. If you enter a PhantomJS terminal prompt, press Ctrl+C to exit.

  6. Try running TagUI for Python again and the popup warning message should disappear.

Updated to readme with a link to this solution, keeping issue open for time being before closing.