/tebex lookup - better end user feedback.
andrewkm opened this issue · 1 comments
andrewkm commented
Paper 1.20.4 Build 389
Tebex-Minecraft v2.0.1 compiled against: da5c972
/tebex lookup <regular known player>
- Works
- Example:
/tebex lookup videowiz92
- https://i.imgur.com/KbMSjjZ.png
/tebex lookup <player who hasn't joined your server and perhaps hasn't used tebex>
- Example
/tebex lookup Johnson1
- https://i.imgur.com/yLZJl9z.png
/tebex lookup <player who is banned/chargedback on your server>
- Example on ours:
/tebex lookup angelicdew
- https://i.imgur.com/LfQYCey.png
- Although after several tries, it reverts to this error: https://i.imgur.com/yLZJl9z.png
TL;DR errors/failed attempts should be coherent and make sense to the end user.
andrewkm commented
Not fixed, yet closed.