
Bot is broken?

funky-monkey opened this issue · 4 comments

I've just added a conf via and it adds it via your bot as a pull request.

This only works one time however - I've tried 4 times adding the same and different conferences but with no luck. After that I've added them via opening an issue on github.
I have no browser plugins that stop advertisement or something similar.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for reporting this, I think I know why this happened. I think it happened when someone submits the same conference because the name of the branch is generated based of that.
Anyway I'll fix that, thanks!

It should be fixed now! 👍

Thanks for the quick response and glad to help!
PS. Love this site, I was looking for a definitive resource when it comes to tech confs and i think i've found it, I'll add as many as i can if i find new ones!

Thank you @funky-monkey ! 😄