
[FEAT] Close all panes on hardware back button event

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What are you trying to add to Cupertino-Pane?
Ability to close any and all existing panes.

Describe your feature request detailed
Throughout my Ionic App i use Cupertino Panes (they're great) and i track my hardware back button (see below)... it goes back in the navigation stack and shows a toast "press back again to exist app" once it has reached the last page. This is working well.

I want to add something, so that when a pane is opened... it is closed first when somebody presses the back button.. and then the normal behaviour continues.

This function (see below) is in a service file, and doesn't have access to the components in which the panes are presented.

public hardwareBackButtonEvent(): void {
   this.platform.backButton.subscribeWithPriority(10, () => {
     let currentTime = new Date().getTime();
     if (!this.canGoBack() && this.lastBackTime && this.lastBackTime > 0 && (currentTime - this.lastBackTime < this.intervalExitApp)) {
       (window.navigator as any)["app"].exitApp();
     // if there is no previous page, show toast to exit app
     if (!this.canGoBack()) {
     } else {
 } // End of backButtonEvent()

I'm not sure how best to approach it, perhaps with events. that when i create a pane, it sends a signal to the navigation service? i'm not sure.

Is there an alternative at the latest version?

[ ] Yes (descripe the alternative)
[X] No

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@woutersteven2020 Thank you, I'm understand the issue.
Good a feature request, it's would be nice access to Pane instances from window object, from any code part, like window['pane']: [CupertinoPane, CupertinoPane, CupertinoPane, ...].
I will review this feature for the future.

For now, I suggest you to place your pane to some Singleton service where you collect global app variables:

import { SharedService } from '../services/shared/shared/shared.service.ts';

constructor (shared: SharedService) {

  // when you initiate a pane save it to shared scope
  this.shared.pane = new CupertinoPane(...);

Than access it from your hardware button service.

Some similar issues about hardware button (#143, #150)

Thank you for your reply. I wrote Singeton service and updated my hardwareBackButtonEvent() to check for openPanes first (and close them) before trying to navigate back through the history, it's working nicely!