
Too many diffrent units in game.. - test versions not playable anymore

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Disable Talon or ask spring devs to increase command cache (which is unlikely to happen):
Warning: [CmdDescrCache::GetPtr] too many unique command-descriptions
Spring even crash now at beginning of games (10-20min), sometimes warns about too many unique command-descriptions.
sometimes do not output any infolog..
adding another unit "Add T4 TRans Air" make it worse
There is cache overflow - easy fix reduce number of units in:
rename to *.xxx or delete

It's clear there is too many different units in game.

At moment only 3.38 is playable tho still crash when you try "/give all" with default "WorkerThreadCount" number

thank for.this report. i will denete many unis unused.

First list for disable units :
All correch / Armrech

No just no thoses 20 odd units will not fix your issue, you need to disable around 200+ to really fix issue and be future proof, so remove talon and be done with it, don't disable gadgets just because you added a new faction and it's causing you issue your logic is all wrong

Best option is to remove talon, spring rts has limited cache.
Disabling some gadgets may help and may not.
It is unsafe when you have too many diffrent units.

If there is no other solution, for sure talon have to be deleted.
How proceed ? Do we remove files or transform all lua into xxx + adjust some widget/gadget ?
It will good if we can send a request on spring engine team to increase cache.

After have deleted many olds units or unused, there is no bug reported from 1 week.
I think, we need fix max unit at 1286 = number atm. For each new add, we should delete 1 other unit.
I think the limit is at 1290~1300.

Anyway, i didn't have more add to do for talon or tll. My job is finished about faction game design

Testing with gadgets still disabled is pointless imo, enable them and try again

Crashes still happen, but less often, but still.
Mosty when you share units to other ally.
Need remove more units... Just remove that talon, most ppl not even play it now.
Most used factions are Arm and Core, sometimes TLL

We just crashed after 25min of game

[21:50:57] <[MOL]Silver> Spring crash becouse there is too many units in definitions
[21:51:14] <[MOL]Silver> and cache overflowing from time to time
[21:51:19] <[MOL]Silver> =  crash
[21:51:20] <rX> just disable talon...