
403 Forbidden when trying to authenticate

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Because i dont want to use the fix on the old issue, i opend a new issue. Are there already any other fixes already? Is python the reason or generally?
anyway, here is my code:


weird thing is: in insomnia there is everything working fine but not on normal codes

If the same request (headers, and body) works in Insomnia but not in a program, the problem is likely TLS fingerprinting. Python isn't necessarily the issue, you just need the right TLS fingerprint.

@NavisGames pls login use and use Cookie to get that
Ex code but Use aiohttp

       async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s:
            async with s.get("") as r:
            data = {
                'type': 'auth',
                'username': username,
                'password': password,
                "rememberDevice": True
            async with s.put("", json=data, headers=self.headers_main) as r:
                out = await r.json()
            data = {"client_id":"play-valorant-web-prod","nonce":"1","redirect_uri":"","response_type":"token id_token", 'scope': 'account openid'}
            async with"", json=data, headers=self.headers_main) as r:
                    out = await r.json()