
HAF-based Vaultec Smart Chain (VSC) L1 Indexer and API server

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


VSC HAF indexer and API server. Indexes Hive from the VSC genesis block number for the relevant VSC operations using the HAF app sync algorithm.

Required Dependencies

  • nodejs and npm (Latest LTS, v18 minimum supported)
  • Synced HAF node


PostgreSQL Roles

CREATE ROLE vsc_app WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'vscpass' CREATEROLE INHERIT IN ROLE hive_applications_group;
CREATE ROLE vsc_user WITH LOGIN INHERIT IN ROLE hive_applications_group;
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE block_log TO vsc_app;
GRANT vsc_user TO vsc_app;

PostgREST Installation


PostgREST API methods

psql -f src/sql/create_apis.sql block_log


git clone https://github.com/techcoderx/vsc-haf
cd vsc-haf
npm i


npm run compile


npm start

Start PostgREST server

./scripts/postgrest_start.sh postgres://vsc_app:<vsc_app_password>@localhost:5432/block_log <server_port>

Periodically fetch latest vsc-node commit in crontab

*/5 * * * * /path/to/this/repo/scripts/github_fetch_head.sh --postgres-url=<psql_url> --api-key=<github_api_key> --run-once